Sunday 1 April 2012

56. Discuss how your travel experiences have affected you as a student and a citizen of the world.

As a student I have traveled to many countries around the world and I have seen different aspects of life within these countries. I have been to heavily developed countries where everything runs smoothly and looked after.  I have also been to developing countries that are still growing to become one of the worlds developed countries. Within each country I have travelled to see the different parts of the country, to see the struggling parts and the strong parts. Growing up in a developing country but coming from a developed country, changed the way I lived as I have seen how others live. All this has molded and affected me as a student and as a citizen of the world. 
I have lived most of my life as a high school student in India, giving me the opportunity to travel around the world. During my years in primary school I grew up in Australia being spoiled by everyone. Growing up in India, living in the places I did, seeing the way some people live, and not always having everything, changed the way I lived.  Growing up with this changed me as a student because of this, I now have a broader view on the world. 
Traveling to many other countries has shown me how the different cultures of the world live. Within these travels I learnt about the different religions of the world and how their belief systems works different to mine.  This has let me understand the world and how to view people equally, to accept people for who they are. This has affected me positively into a citizen of the world as I know how to belong and to fit in to any place I go.
Traveling from such a young age and all the way through my schooling life, has given me values that can be seen in everything I do. Giving me the tools to finish up as a student and become a person that contributes to the world. As I have been given the opportunity to travel as a student I have seen and experienced things that has changed me. That has shaped me into a person that I love to be, and I can not see my self in any other way. 
Word Count: 397

1 comment:

  1. I really like the fact that you wrote this so that it is technically clean and fluent, but what it lacks is specifics, a moment, details that will help the reader really know what you learned, how your experience changed you, and why it was important. Learn to build that in to your college essays to really make them reveal who you are and not a generic version of yourself.
