Saturday 3 March 2012

Climate Change

An issue that is currently directly affecting my life is the cold weather we are experiencing here in Mussoorie. This made me think of the weather conditions that occurred in Europe and how so many people died because of the extreme cold. The unusual weather they were experiencing with a couple hundred people dying because of the extreme temperatures.  This made me think further about the theory of Global warming or as I personally like to call it Climate change. Are these extreme weather conditions the result of humans and they way we live our life? There are a lot of debates going on about the global weather, and how it could affect us more in the coming decades and centuries.  This cold front has also affected the farming and food production Europe. This may have had some affect on the farmers economy as they have no way to make money during the winter. The issue of weather and climate change affects the whole world and directly impacts most people.

This issue of climate change has also been affecting my home country Australia as it has caused unusual seasons that we have never really experienced. This summer we have had so much rain that the state of New South Wales is currently two thirds underwater and in the last few years summers Queensland experienced the same thing. These abnormal weather patterns are putting Australians in a state of stress, as we are not used to this kind of weather. This weather is going to put continued strain on the planet, as some countries are not prepared for the weather that is affecting them. This particular series of unusual weather that is hitting Australia is also being called a natural disaster, is there a connection between climate change and global warming? If so is this all the cause of humans living excessively on global resources?

Word Count:314

1 comment:

  1. This is carefully written and raises an important issue in the world. It always makes me laugh to think that some American politicians still say that it isn't a proven fact. I think the world bears out that it is.

    Do read the first paragraph and look for a few small errors: left out words, possession ('s) etc.. Keep trying to catch those though overall this is well written and your spelling is fine.
