Tuesday 13 March 2012

What I want to do..

When I was young people used to always ask me what I wanted to do when I was older. It would always change until a few years ago when I landed on architecture. It changed everything, I looked at buildings differently and the creative side of my mind went crazy. I would plan out my future designs and goals I would want to accomplish as an architect. This would all be planned out in my mind and till this day I can still remember every unique design and every goal I want to complete.

As I started to plan out the rest of my schooling life to become an architect I realized how difficult it would be to fulfill this goal. But I believe that this is what I am supposed to do with my life. I believe that I can do so much good with this career path and also have fun with it. Just living in India and watching my dad do his work with the poor, I would try and find ways in how I could use architecture to do the same. I want to design cheap but sustainable houses for the poor, put a team together and travel to developing countries to build these places. This is why I see architecture is the best career choice for me, it lets me bring out my creative side, do something I love and, give back and help fellow human beings.

So now when anyone asks what I want to do I say architecture. I tell them my plans with it and why I cannot wait to leave school and get onto it. Because now that I have found a job that I love and can pretty much do anything I want with it, which is what I have seen my dad do throughout his life. When I was young people used to always ask me what I wanted to do when I was older. It would always change until a few years ago when I landed on architecture. It changed everything, I looked at buildings differently and the creative side of my mind went crazy. I would plan out my future designs and goals I would want to accomplish as an architect. This would all be planned out in my mind and till this day I can still remember every unique design and every goal I want to complete.

As I started to plan out the rest of my schooling life to become an architect I realized how difficult it would be to fulfill this goal. But I believe that this is what I am supposed to do with my life. I believe that I can do so much good with this career path and also have fun with it. Just living in India and watching my dad do his work with the poor, I would try and find ways in how I could use architecture to do the same. I want to design cheap but sustainable houses for the poor, put a team together and travel to developing countries to build these places. This is why I see architecture is the best career choice for me, it lets me bring out my creative side, do something I love and, give back and help fellow human beings.

So now when anyone asks what I want to do I say architecture. I tell them my plans with it and why I cannot wait to leave school and get onto it. Because now that I have found a job that I love and can pretty much do anything I want with it, which is what I have seen my dad do throughout his life.

Word Count: 614

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