Sunday 11 March 2012

Describe your hometown and how you are a product of this environment. (Puget Sound)

My hometown is a place that I can look back to, know matter where in the world I am and still know that is where I belong. It contains memories that will last for ever as it is the place where I have grown up most of my life. My hometown, is placed in Australia, on the east coast of Australia, on a local beach called Freshwater in Sydney. It consists of a little shopping area where everyone knows each other, where you can walk into a shop and have a conversation with the owner, because you see them everyday. Freshwater has its beach-ie feels and the people that live around the area are very relaxed and easy going. It is a very active place where you are always at the beach surfing or playing volley ball. It is a place I that know that I don’t have to share it with tourists or people that aren’t from the area. This beach is filled with memories I share with friends and have experienced by myself as a little boy that would like to explore. This is the place I call home.
This place that I call home has molded me into the person I know I have become, and know that my life right now would be very different if I didn’t grow up there. It has built me into a strong and committed person in most aspects of my life. I find this in my earliest memories, when I was young sitting the sand watching the surfers knowing I want to do that one day. Learning to surf was like learning to walk again, I would fall over but try again and now I am glade I tried again because this is something I continue to do in everything, never quit. Another positive aspect I can see in myself and know I could have only got it from this town is the ability to socialize. Although I like to be alone sometimes I find that without friends around me life can get boring and tiring as I have no one to blow off steam with. There are however, a couple of negative things that I have taken on bored from living and growing up in this place. Which are, the way I would wonder off without telling anyone, where I would explore and discover new things. The other is the way I am a bit relaxed about everything and like I always say “life goes on” so no matter what tough situation I am in,  I try to deal with it but not go out of my way to deal with it because I know time must continue. 
So living and growing up in this place has grown me into a person that I love to be and I can’t imagine myself in being any different.

Word Count:477

1 comment:

  1. I like the topic you chose, but this would need real work as a complete narrative piece because I feel there is not the next level of warmth in this where you really bring out a stronger sense of the place and your place within it. I also find this full of small errors. Do read back over these before you post them so that you catch as many small mistakes as possible.

    I also notice you only have three posts whereas you were to have four by this time. You'd better get on top of it.
