Tuesday 20 March 2012

Process of Architecture

So I was doing some research on architecture and I came across a website that had a blog in it. The first post I saw was on the process of architecture and not just the designing of a building, but the process to complete the building too. Choosing architecture as a wanted career path this really stood out and I thought I might share the steps involved to design and build a house. I won’t go into the same detail as this person did, but will give you a brief outline on the seven steps. 
Step 1: So before an architect is chosen there are a few architects that are interviewed in order to get the job. Each architect usually has a portfolio on past jobs and the homeowner would chose their architect that best fit there plans for their future building or structure. 
Step 2: The architect would then do several things before they go to the drawing bored. They would have further discussion with the owner on what they want, their goals, ideas and, the requirements. The architect would then go to the site to take measurements, see what the site consists of and, have a look at its surroundings. They would then put together a simple floor plan of the site and check the for local building codes and regulations. They would also create a work plan on what will be done and by when. 
Step 3: The architect would then put together a few simple designs together on the information the gathered from step two. They would change, add and remove parts of the design to suit the owner. They would look at different parts of their design on how they can make it better and by the end of this process they have landed on one of the concepts that was produced. 
Step 4: This step is where everything starts to become more permeant and decisions have to be made. The architect puts together final documents together of the design to make the main parts of the house (walls, doors, windows) final. The architect discuss with the owner on the materials they will use in the construction of the house. The owner continues to make more detailed decisions on the finishings (taps, door handles, lights). The architect consults with different types of engineers to make sure everything is possible and meets standards. This step is one of the more important steps out of all of them. 
Step 5: This is where you have to make sure the design and future house meets standards from the city/state councils. The council goes over the design to make sure everything meets the codes for the area. While the architect waits for the okay from the council he continues to make the blueprints a lot more detailed, to the tiniest detail. This step is very important as you need permission from various people to make sure they are meeting standards. 
Step 6: The contractors are approached and are sometimes interviewed by the owners to make sure their work quality is good. 
Step 7: Now everything the final documents and drawings are complete with the approval of the city/state council. The construction begins while the Architect stays involved to make sure everything is being met by the builders and to see if any changes need to be made. By the end of this step everyone will be payed and the owner has a new building. 
I hope this has given you a little more detail in the process of being an architect and how it is more complicated then you think. 


Word Count: 602

1 comment:

  1. Quite interesting and a good thing to include as it works as an article because you are summarizing. Next time make sure you includ a good healthy paragraph on your own thoughts about these steps and what that would mean to you if you became an architect.
